2023 BSF: Best Bread & Best Croissants Nominations

If you love us as much as we love baking bread and croissants for you, please consider submitting your nomination for the 2023 Best of Santa Fe (BSF) in the Best Bread & Best Croissants categories.


Nominations for the 2023 Best of Santa Fe (BSF) are open through March 15. Your nomination will help us to go on the final ballot in May for the top six nominees. You may only nominate one per category.


Please click on the links below to vote/nominate Wild Leaven Bakery or simply click on the photos below. 


BEST CROISSANTS: https://vote.sfreporter.com/food-and-drink/best-croissants

2023 BSF Bread


You'll be asked to register with your email address. We'd love for you to share our business name Wild Leaven Bakery under these two categories: Best Bread and Best Croissants