Holiday Gift Card Giveaway

Dear Community of Wild Leaven Bakery,

We're pleased to invite you to submit an entry to win one of the two (2) gift cards we're offering through this Holiday 2022 Giveaway. Since, the gifts cards will be sent to the winners by email, entries must include a valid email. 

No purchase required to submit an entry.  Entries that fail to include a screenshot of a Google review (above) OR the date of a Google review (here) will not be considered for this giveaway.

To enter:

1) WRITE YOUR BEST GOOGLE REVIEW for your favorite location (Our Taos shop or our Santa Fe shop). The name of the author of the Google review must match the name entered in this online form. 

2) UPLOAD a SCREENSHOT OR THE DATE & LOCATION of your GOOGLE REVIEW in the area available below. Have you *already* posted a Google review?  Simply take a screenshot of your Google review OR write the date and the location of your Google review below. 

3) Below SUBMIT all the required info in the form below no later than this Saturday 31st December 2022



We appreciate your continuous support and look forward to meeting you soon at our Santa Fe shop, our Taos shop and our Taos Farmers Market's booth. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones! With gratitude,

André & Jessica Kempton
Owners, Wild Leaven Bakery